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Discover Movement has created The Movement Skill Coaching for Young Athletes in co-operation with the Finnish Coaching Association. As of 2014 Spring, over 3000 youth coaches have participated in a Movement Skill Coaching workshop. There are have 4-part series of DVDs available (in Finnish) on the topic of Movement Skill Coaching. They are distributed in Finland by Suomen Valmentajat ry. www.suomenvalmentajat.fi
Discover Movement has a long and a fruitful relationship with the Coaches Association in Finland - several seminars and conference-trips have been facilitated both in Finland and in the US with a goal of learning more about coaching, training, physical preparation and youth athletic development.
Discover Movement has created The Movement Skill Coaching for Young Athletes in co-operation with the Finnish Coaching Association. As of 2014 Spring, over 3000 youth coaches have participated in a Movement Skill Coaching workshop. There are have 4-part series of DVDs available (in Finnish) on the topic of Movement Skill Coaching. They are distributed in Finland by Suomen Valmentajat ry. www.suomenvalmentajat.fi
Discover Movement has a long and a fruitful relationship with the Coaches Association in Finland - several seminars and conference-trips have been facilitated both in Finland and in the US with a goal of learning more about coaching, training, physical preparation and youth athletic development.
Nuorten Liiketaitoharjoittelu, osa 3